Help us restore Denfeld’s historic pipe organ.
“The King of Instruments” prepares to come alive with the sounds of pipes, chimes, harp, drums, and marimba within the Denfeld High School Auditorium.
Join us in this renewed interest and desire to hear the organ once again and carry on the tradition of the “Duluth Municipal Pipe Organ” as it was once envisioned. We are asking for your financial support to help us preserve this musical treasure.
A new committee, the Denfeld Historic Organ Restoration and Preservation Alliance, DHORPA, has formed to complete the repairs to the organ, restore it to its previous position, and to provide for its preservation and continued maintenance.
Denfeld Historic Organ Restoration and Preservation Alliance (DHORPA) is a Minnesota non-profit corporation and a recognized 501(c)3 organization so your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. DHORPA’s nonprofit status will assist in raising funds to preserve this rare asset, not only for Denfeld High School and the Duluth area, but for the entire tri-state region.